2020 Spring Adoptee Identity Development Workshops are postponed

With the best of our community’s intentions, the COVID-19 Virus has altered so many of our plans! Among these changes, the Adoptee Identity Development Workshops are postponed until we regain our bearings! Self-care and connection are paramount, and we have support and resources for your Teens and for Young Adult Adoptees via Zoom


It’s a privilege to present our bi-annual Adoptee Identity Development Workshops. Age-appropriate themes we will cover in the workshops include our unique adoption stories, how to feel empowered to talk about adoption with friends and family, challenges and strengths of transracial adoptive families, birth families, grief and loss, living in the digital world, and stress management

Register now,for the 2020 Workshops. Our multi-generational adoptee facilitators includes Robyn Shultz, MFT. We will embrace ongoing themes of identities, birth families, adoptive families, peers and school. Kumbi Butler, longtime yoga teacher, owner of The Heartbeat House and Korean adoptee, will be leading the stress reduction and relaxation module for our participants.

Registration is limited to provide personalized attention. We view your child from a developmental perspective, rather than chronological age. A 13-year-old may be more comfortable in the Tweens group. Or, you may have a 9-year-old who is already thinking about Tween themes. Please contact me to discuss where your child may best be served, or with any other questions. Click HERE for Flyer & Registration Form.

Kids Workshop: Sunday, April 19th from 1pm – 4pm

Tweens Workshop: Sunday May 31 from 1pm – 4pm

At A Place to Create 3137 Glendale Blvd. LA 90039