Monthly Archives: March 2014

What’s in a Name?

Read Laura Laura TrombleySkandera Trombley’s eloquent piece on the lifelong struggle of coming to terms with one’s identity. Skandera Trombley, president of Pitzer College, opines on themes that she’s navigated personally and professionally:

“For most of my life, I have felt as though I am a historical blank, wandering in an epistemological wilderness, since many distinguishing aspects of my past and origin were unknown. That blankness has been reinforced over the years by assumptions made on the basis of my physical appearance.” the rest “What’s in a Name?”

Support UCLA China Care Bruins

Come support the 6th Annual China Care Bruins Awareness Night
April 9, 2014         6 – 9pm
Ackerman Auditorium at UCLA

Since 2005, China Care Bruins UCLA college students have provided a unique experience of mentorship for Asian adoptee children/and tweens at UCLA, and raise funds for special needs surgeries in China’s orphanages.

This year’s Awareness Night Fundraiser will include a lively program of musical performances, and a brief panel discussion on identity development with CCB student mentors who are also  transracial adoptees that I’ll moderate. If you are able to come out and see the Next Generation in action, check it! If not, please consider a donation by clicking here that will help fund Half The Sky Foundation’s efforts to provide lifesaving surgeries for orphans in China.

Read the rest “Support UCLA China Care Bruins”

Somewhere Between NY Conference Screening & Panel

Clinicians, Constellation Community & Educators Welcome!
View the Conference Schedule HERE
The 8th Biennial St. John’s Adoption Initiative Conference
May 29 – 31, 2014
Brooklyn, NY
Sleeping Giants in Adoption:
Power, Privilige, Politics and Class
Since 2000, the Adoption Initiative has provided a forum to encourage and promote a greater understanding of the critical adoption issues affecting our society at large.  By creating a dynamic structure where scholars, professionals, researchers and other individuals interested in advancing our understanding important aspects of the adoption experience are brought together  to discuss their most recent contributions in the field.
The conference is a dynamic and energetic, adoptee-centric academic forum to hear perspectives on issues relevant to our community. This year I am honored to moderate a post-screening panel discussion comprised of the subjects of Linda Goldstein Knowlton’s documentary Somewhere Between.
Somewhere Between: #fiveyearslater #powerpanel #adopteevoices
Jenna Cook, Haley Butler, Jenni “Fang” Lee and Ann Bocutti (in person and via video-feed)
along with the filmmaker, will share their perspectives
on the conference themes through the lens of their own experiences.
If you are a clinician, this is a special opportunity to connect with professional resources that are key to working effectively with adoptive families.  If you are part of the adoption constellation, and interested in learning about how social institutions and policy affect you and your family, this conference will provide much food for thought. Very reasonable accommodations are available on campus. CEUs are available. Register for the conference here!
Read the rest “Somewhere Between NY Conference Screening & Panel”