Monthly Archives: March 2014

Free Monthly Support Group in Pasadena


Lesli Johnson, MFT and I have formed AdoptCONNECT
and joined with Five Acres to continue providing a monthly
adoption support group in Pasadena.
The mission of AdoptCONNECT is to provide a place for the Adoption and Foster Care community to come together and share stories, ideas and concerns in a safe environment. It is a place to express feelings, process grief and loss, give and get support and build lasting connections.AdoptCONNECT is a free monthly group for all members of the adoption and foster care community: adult adoptees, birth/first parents, adoptive parents, waiting parents, former foster youth, foster parents and legal guardians.  We look forward to seeing you this month!

This Thursday, March 20th

 7 – 9pm

Five Acres Zeilstra Center

747 W. Mountain View Street

Altadena, CA 91101

(Please park behind the building)

Facilitated by adult adoptees: Lesli Johnson, MFT and Angela Gee, MFT
AdoptCONNECT is a drop-in group and there is no need to RSVP!

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23andme85.5% Chinese
2.9% Nonspecific East Asian
3.3% Southeast Asian
8% Nonspecific East Asian and Native American
.3% Unassigned

100% Angela Gee

Thanks to 23 & Me, another piece of my identity was recently illuminated. Getting the 411 on my DNA affirmed more than just my race and ethnicity. Similar to receiving the “non-identifying” information of my first months of life provided by my Louisiana orphanage, the concrete information fills in some blanks, while reinforcing a sense of loss as it provides another piece of my identity puzzle. I am enthralled with the ancient and modern migration of my self.… Read the rest “Inheritance”