Do justly, now.

   It’s difficult to make sense of the onslaught of domestic injustice and tragedies and global inhumanities that continue to unfold. How are we, young and old, internalizing these events? How do we explain these incomprehensible actions to children. I’ve had to pause and reflect, to regain my own equilibrium, to weigh my own ability to be an agent of healing and positive change. As we gather with our families next week to give thanks, knowing the world’s suffering, a quotation from the Talmud resonates:
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.

We’re halfway through the eleventh month on the Gregorian calendar. Since 1995 November has also been National Adoption Month. For many in the adoption community, November is now known as National Adoption AWARENESS Month, and #FlipTheScript represents the hard fought strides to empower adoptee voices. From state legislation restoring the civil right for adoptees’ access to our original birth certificates, to initiatives focusing on improvements to policy and practice in child welfare (Adoption Initiative Conference 2016), to the increasing dialogue on race for transracially adoptive families, to federal legislation that will  ensure citizenship to all intercountry adoptees; adoptees and our allies’ voices are being heard! November is “not about us, without us (JaeRan Kim).”  Join the Donaldson Adoption Institute’s “Let’s Adopt Reform to strengthen all families by igniting a national conversation about adoption and foster care adoption in the 21st century.” Join in.