The short quote above, from an Arabic poem, was written 500 years before the Quran, and speaks to our long held notions on connection and inclusivity. The term, outsider, has profound and multiple meanings today, in physical and intrapsychic ways. Adoptees can feel like outsiders; as though they don’t belong to, or are not accepted in the same way as others. The Kids, Tweens and Teens Adoptee Identity Development Workshops are are a way for adoptees to identify those feelings, to hear thoughts and ideas from peers, and to develop a sense of belonging to this unique experience. Download the registration form HERE. Please register by March 20th.
April 23, 2017 Kids 7 – 9 (one day workshop)
April 30 & May 7, 2017 Tweens 10 – 13 (two day workshop)
May 21, 2017 Teens 13 – 18 (one day workshop)